NEVER Turn Your Back on a Tiger!

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

Tigers are beautiful and majestic animals. They will also definitely eat your face if you turn your back on them.


If you ever find yourself at risk for a tiger attack never ever commit the mistake of turning your back on the big cat.



This video shot at a wild life sanctuary shows exactly why.


Feline(猫科动物) have a tendency to attack unsuspecting preys, thus they are more likely to attack you if you are not facing them. 



狮子的内心:装呆萌、装呆萌、装呆萌。。。好的,转身了。。。扑过去!!!哎哟我去( ‵o′)凸 who put the glass barrier here!

A man behind a huge glass window entices a tiger on the outside with frequent glances. Then he turns his back to the tiger. The tiger pounces on the man in a bid to attack him; the glass window protects him. The tiger moves on to another window where a child is facing him. On seeing the child’s face, the tiger moves away timidly.
This is a very poignant reminder of why one should courageously face a tiger and not turn around and run.

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